Kevin Gironnay creates acousmatic and mixed music, produces music for sound installations, videos and dance, and performs improvised music, in solo or collaborations.

His work is focused on taming chaotic elements into musical contents by using conceptual or concrete processes, hence his love for improvisation. He is also dedicated to shaping musical ideas in the micro and macro domains, hence his love for composition.

As sound engineer and radio art enthusiast and practitioner, his relationship with sound as a medium is filled with passion and everyday amazement… and he still tries to believe the feeling is mutual.

In 2016, after moving to Montreal, Kevin Gironnay founded the improvised music band Ensemble ILÉA. He is also an active member of the collective Unmapped and the band QUADr, and an affiliate member of CIRMMT (Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media and Technology).

His music has been played in Canada, China, United States and throughout Europe.
