Hadas Pe’ery – Aesthetics of Impending Catastrophe 2020


1. Impending Catastrophe Part I (8’30)
2. Impending Catastrophe Part II (9’49)

Released June 23, 2020

Recordings : Hadas Pe’ery
Mastering by Emanuele Battisti
Artwork © 2020 Paolo Cavinato : fragment from “In the room” (drawing and computer graphics)

Catalogue number : EL27

In the summer of 2019, I began collecting and creating sound materials for a new work, vaguely guided by the image of the world coming to an end as a result of climate change and global capitalism. I searched for sounds and digital processes that could evoke a soundscape one might encounter after cities will have been swallowed by the oceans, masses will have died of famine and war, and most living things will have been killed off or deformed by pollutants. It struck me as I worked, that the end of the 19th century had seen more than enough musicians and artists inspired by apocalyptic thoughts. Rolling my eyes at the anachronistic quality of my work, I continued to synthesise radioactive insects, as I had to finish the piece.

When Elli invited me to take part in “In the Room” nearly one year later, the coronavirus pandemic was wreaking havoc throughout the world. It seemed only appropriate to brush the dust off the incomplete materials from the previous summer and re-create the post-climate-disaster end of the world, which was obviously drawing nearer.
I invite you to serve yourself the beverage of your choice and listen to the world coming to an end.