de type inconnu – onze. correspondances



01. un.a
02. deux
03. trois.a
04. quatre.a
05. trois.b
06. trois.c
07. trois.d
08. cinq
09. quatre.b
10. un.b
11. six


Released May 3, 2024



Sylvain Pohu : electric guitar & electronics
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay : bass guitar & electronics

Recorded by de type inconnu at CIRMMT, Montréal
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 -> 10-11 September 2023
Tracks 8, 9, 11 -> 15-18 November 2021

Mixed by de type inconnu between October 2023 and March 2024

Mastered by Emanuele Battisti

Artwork by Stephen Harvey

Catalog number : EL53

Sylvain and Pierre Alexandre wish to thank the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) of Montréal (Canada), and the Centre for Research in New Music (CeReNeM) at the University of Huddersfield (UK).

This is the first album of the “Augmented strings” series.
Curated by Andrea Gozzi, this new series is focused on the interaction between amplified string instruments and electronics.



Letters / Parallels / Counterparts

Eleven pieces, from noisy to melancholic, from meditative to euphoric. A music built on a deep alliance, a union strong of thirty years of joint playing, despite the 5000 km that separates the two friends for the last decades.

A back and forth in time, at times slow, at times frantic. Many discussions on and through music. A series of exchanges, improvised, listened, selected. A chronicle of our times, embracing its beauty and its horror.


Lettres / Parallèles / Contreparties

Onze pièces, de bruyante à mélancolique, de méditative à euphorique. Une musique construite sur une alliance profonde, une union forte de trente ans de jeu commun, malgré les 5000 km qui séparent les deux amis depuis les dernières décennies.

Un va et vient dans le temps, parfois lent, parfois frénétique. Plusieurs discussions sur et par la musique. Une série d’échanges improvisés, écoutés, choisis. Une chronique de notre temps, en épousant la beauté et l’horreur.